
你们投票了,现在让我们祝贺我们的终身冠军, 丹尼斯栗!


丹尼斯栗是土生土长的华盛顿人, 并且是希尔布鲁克第七区的终身居民. 丹尼斯是一名木匠大师和职业教育家, 但他对青少年发展的奉献, community improvement and civic duty has led to his involvement with many civic and conservation projects, 丰富的经验. 他也是户外运动的爱好者, 对保护环境有热情, 并为许多社区提供过建议, business and government leaders on civic ecology and civic engagement issues. 我在华盛顿东北部长大, DC, 丹尼斯与许多绿地联系在一起, 公园, 流, 以及阿纳科斯蒂亚河, 他小时候在哪里学的游泳. 丹尼斯 has served as the Carpentry internship instructor at the Academy of Construction and Design at IDEA Public Charter High School since 2017, and is the retired founding executive director of Groundwork Anacostia River DC. 在许多程序和项目开发的基础, 两个脱颖而出, 绿色团队青年领导力发展项目, 以及班达隆垃圾陷阱. Managing these four litter traps resulted in the removal of tons of trash and floatable debris from the Anacostia River, 成为基础的标志性项目之一.

丹尼斯是河东青年钢铁乐队的董事会成员, 首都娱乐青少年体育项目, 主持多样性, 公平和包容委员会与切萨皮克湾联盟. 丹尼斯 is a Senior Fellow of the Chesapeake Region Environmental Leadership Program, an appointee to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River and the Urban Forestry Advisory Council. 他是健康阿纳科斯蒂亚河联盟的成员, 国家首都地区阿纳科斯蒂亚流域管理学院, 以及阿纳科斯蒂亚流域社区咨询委员会. 丹尼斯 has received numerous awards including the Greater Washington Interfaith Partnership 愿景 Award, Lankford/Giles/Vaughn少数族裔建筑师社区行动奖, DC苹果种子2019年可持续生活和领先奖, 以及最近的2019年河网河英雄, 十大赌博正规老平台协会2020年终身冠军奖, 以及考克斯公共土地通信信托基金考克斯保护英雄奖. 丹尼斯也出现在许多出版物中, books and video documentaries that highlight his work on restoring the health of the Anacostia River, 改善河东社区的自然资源, 发展高质量的青年项目. Ward 7 and areas east of the Anacostia River have been described as the “Greenest” Ward and section of Washington, D.C. 在国家广场外, but also is where some of the most environmentally challenging conditions in the city has existed. This is the reason why 丹尼斯 has committed himself to restoring the health of the Anacostia River, improving the natural resources located in this community and throughout Washington, D.C., 将居民联系起来, 学校, 企业, civic and community organizations to the many outdoor resources and natural environment through tangible on-the-ground projects that Change Places and Change Lives.


丹尼斯是我和我妻子的好朋友和高中同学. We celebrate 丹尼斯’ accomplishments and this recognition of his efforts to educate the public and to improve our environment.

– Dr. 达内尔伯特利


谢谢你! for all your work and caring for the Chesapeake and its Washington area tributaries. So often when people think of the Chesapeake they do not even think of the urban areas that are part of it and its watershed…and therefore those champions in the city are not always included. Yet access to land and clean water is of deep and abiding importance right there at home. You are an exemplar, though it is my bet you never think of yourself that way!

- John Reynolds,十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会

谢谢你! for your lifelong work as a leader in your community and in the conservation movement.


恭喜你丹尼斯! 你太棒了.




当之无愧的丹尼斯! 祝贺你!


祝贺你, 丹尼斯 Chesnut and family for your outstanding contributions to the environment, especially to restoring the health of the Chesapeake and its tributaries throughout the Washington Region! 谢谢你多年的服务.




恭喜你丹尼斯. You are really contributing to the community and helping make this world a little better. 谢谢你的付出.


Mr. Chestnut, thank you for your lifelong commitment to environmental leadership. You have been an exceptional teacher and mentor to high school students in our Academy of Construction and Design. As the Academy’s programming concluded at IDEA PCS this year and we have moved forward on an exciting houseboat building project in partnership with The Wharf on D.C.西南海滨, your gift for teaching and inspiring others continues to be essential to our mission and work. You are a champion and a local hero helping all of us understand and embrace the Anacostia River’s history and significance as part of the Chesapeake and the urban communities in its watershed. 谢谢,祝贺你!

- Paula Ralph, DC学生建筑贸易基金会

丹尼斯,我要祝贺你取得的巨大成就. 这个荣誉是你应得的.


丹尼斯.. 谢谢你! for your dedication and hard work in restoring the beauty of the Anacostia River.




祝贺你获得这一非凡的荣誉. 我从本宁和柯立芝的时候就认识你了. 你很好地代表了华盛顿.


祝贺你,阿布,你鼓舞了所有人!! 你想要变得更好的激情造就了你. To the lifetime champion that’s dedicated his life to educating people about the environment and many other things, 恭喜!


这是你应得的,丹尼斯,还有路要走. 恭喜!!!


恭喜你丹尼斯, I am glad to be able to read about the work you have done in the community. 干得好,再接再厉!


恭喜! 她值得!


丹尼斯,我很高兴向你致敬并祝贺你. You are an amazing example of what a devoted Washingtonian and 1967 Coolidge Colt looks like!! 我很自豪能称你为朋友.


祝贺你, 丹尼斯 for the outstanding work that you do for our community and as well as our youth.

——乔伊斯·A. 约翰逊



恭喜你丹尼斯! 谢谢你是一位鼓舞人心的切萨皮克管家. 




恭喜你丹尼斯 on your life work, conservation, mentoring, civic duty. 我热爱大自然 & 很高兴看到你的奉献. 我现在住在德克萨斯州,但看到了你的朋友罗纳德·詹金斯教练的这篇文章.



自私. 这是判决.
是:你为别人做了什么?” –
Dr. 马丁·路德·金.




祝贺阿布获得这一殊荣!!! 你一直是每个人心目中的冠军!!!


祝贺你 !!


在我们的书里,你一直是冠军. 祝贺你获得这个当之无愧的奖项.




祝贺你 to my friend and former high school alumna (Calvin Coolidge Sr High).
丹尼斯 we are so proud of the lifetime of service and community engagement you Zan have exhibited over 40 plus yrs. You’ve earned every award and honor and Washingtons environment benefits and its citizenry is grateful and most proud. May the world take notice of the good works you do and replicate where needed.

——罗克珊娜·比拉尔. 椅子. NCACARES

恭喜你丹尼斯. You have always stood strong for the residents and the environment in your neighborhood.
